Welcome to our A2 Media Studies project - creating a promotional package for a new film. '10-'11

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Buried trailer

Just to be clear, we came up with our coffin idea before this trailer came out, however it will be infinitely useful when researching before we film.

This teaser trailer just shows how important the use of diegetic sound is in horror films. The beginning is a completely black screen, so the use of sound is heightened. Already a sense of claustrophobia is induced just by having no picture. There is frantic breathing and then the sound of a phone call being made. The fact that it is an emergency call heightens the tense atmosphere. The woman's voice remains calm compared to the frantic victim. The flash of the coffin/small enclosure is dramatic and sudden. However, the placement of this image is very important. It satisfies the "golden section" that is used on posters and magazine covers, so the image attracts the viewers eye. More importantly it induces the sense that the victim is far away and unattainable. The audience is made to imagine themselves in the same situation. Barely any of the narrative is given away, it is left unexplained by text or future events. The intriue of how/if the character escapes remains intact.

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